Monday, March 26, 2012

Getting started

I have started this blog to share ideas on business models - an area which I have been increasingly interested in over time. The more I delve into marketing, strategy, entrepreneurship, start-ups and all things business, I have gained an increasing respect for the business model and am now convinced that it is the key determinable and determinating element which defines the success or failure of a product, company or industry.

As anyone who is interested in this area quickly discovers, there are many competing ideas on what a business model is, what it is composed of and how best to think about it. One interesting take on business models came from Zott, Amit and Massa (2010) who as part of a working paper published by IESE of Spain took a look at the existing literature and noted that a business model has been referred to indiscriminately as an architecture, conceptual tool, description, framework, method, representation, set, statement, structural template... No matter what we call it though, it is clear that it is garnering a lot of attention in business today and hopefully this blog will contribute "a little something" to the discussion...

If you're interested, I do invite dialog, sharing of ideas, book suggestions, alternative approaches, scathing critique and unabashed flattery - as the reader sees fit... Enjoy!

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