Monday, May 7, 2012

Meta Business Model Worksheet

As I have been working with entrepreneurs and teaching business plan development and entrepreneurship courses I struggled initially with helping both students and entrepreneurs really get the concept of business model and, then, if they did, to be able to design one from scratch in the matter of a 3-, 4- or 5- day course. As I went further into the different existing models and tried to apply them - the model developed by Komisar and Mullins for example or Osterwalder's canvas - I found them helpful in analyzing existing business models but not so helpful in putting together a new one. That said, I have found the model developed by Komisar and Mullins the most operational for that purpose, while Osterwalder's is quite good at deconstructing an existing business model (and thus is useful in most MBA courses outside of business plan development).
As I struggled, and continue to struggle, with the notion I have slowly come up with an evolving model (a model that I improve and then use in class or with budding entrepeneurs) that I think is getting quite close to what I am trying to get at and seems to be intuitively understood by those who are trying to use it.
So here is the model, which has evolved in the last few months quite a bit, as it now stands in its probably 6th or 7th iteration:

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